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This shirt was designed for an bi-annual music and poetry event that converts its donations into meals for the needy in North Texas. The events, called “Hootenannies” gather donations that raise funds for the North Texas Food Bank, the Hootenanny events have brought together poets, musicians and artists from North Texas for over a decade to generate roughly 32,000 to 40,000 meals for the hungry in their community. To make each Hootenanny event unique, a commemorative shirt is created. The shirt is then provided to those who make a donation.


 This year, the Spring Hootenanny is in April, and the full moon of April is referred to as the Pink Moon due to the appearance of moss pink or ground phlox which has pink flowers . I used this as a direction for the design of this years T-shirt. The old truck has been an icon on the land where the Hootenannies take place, so I used that as a focal point and balanced it with the pink moon and glowing flowers.


The back of the shirt has a typographic treatment that has a fun summer-camp feeling as well as giving a nod to the native inhabitants that used to roam the countryside where the Hootenanny now takes place.



The poets, musicians and artists at this year’s spring Hootenanny generated another 875 meals to the hungry by donating funds to the North Texas Food Bank.

Hunger is something that affects us all, if you are interested in donating food to the hungry in your community please find a local Food Bank near you.

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