Modular 8 is a synthesizer and pro-audio store that also hosts music and video events in Portland, Oregon. The owner Phillip started Modular 8 and needed to set up a website to act as a community hub providing event listings, provide product reviews, and have meaningful interactions with his customers.There was also the need to set up an eCommerce store so he could take the opportunity to reach a world-wide audience and promote and sell his product offerings on a global scale.I established the look and feel of the website, and worked with shopify to create the eCommerce store integrating it into the website. Having a website and linking to Shopify allowed us to create an online presence with more flexibility than utilizing Shopify for the entire brand presence.Although their eCommerce solutions are easy to implement and there are many rewards program solutions and other commerce related services available, we both felt as though the level of presentation was not meeting our needs.By creating a primary website that the eCommerce store was embedded into it allowed us greater flexibility in how we connected with his audience and presented our content to them.Keeping the events and blog sections active provides relevance to the site and gives the clients and customers a reason to keep coming back and drives traffic to the site regularly.