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Feeding the hungry has been a decade long mission for Chris Zimmerly who has used poetry and music to create meals for the needy in North Texas. Using events he refers to as Hootenannies to raise funds for the North Texas Food Bank, the Hootenanny events have brought together poets, musicians and artists from North Texas for over a decade to generate roughly 32,000 to 40,000 meals for the hungry in their community.


To make each Hootenanny unique, a commemorative shirt is provided with a donation, a portion of which goes to the North Texas Food Bank.

At one event a participant declared themselves to be ‘Hootenanny’ and it became a meme within the community. Capturing that idea and using it as a declarative statement on the shirt, the wearer would immediately identify with and acknowledge their contribution to the larger community of North Texas. This specific design references elements used by early pioneers of Texas psychedelic rock to tie back to the local roots and festival like nature of the event.


If you are interested in donating food to the hungry in your community pleaseĀ find a local Food Bank near you.

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